Our President

Shri A. B. Patil
Honorable President,
S.D.V.S Sangh Sankeshwar
Ex-Minister Govt. of Karnataka
As the citizens of this large village called 'Globe' we all have doubtlessly realized that the only success mantra today is 'Quality Education'. Quality goes hand-in-hand with Excellence. An Excellent mode of education is a balanced amalgamation of both the tradition method as well as the recent E-education. This is because of the paradigm shift from local to global; a healthy process which demands from us an urgent need to adapt to the very modern teaching and learning.
Shri Appayagouda B. Patil, president of Shri Duradundeeshwar Vidya Samvardhak Sangh, Sankeshwar comes from a family of the pioneers of the cooperative movement in Karnataka. SVDS Sangh now has the Midas touch, since he started a new educational institute in the last 15 years as the head he has brought a spectrum of courses, previously unthinkable, and more they are all successful, what more than 18 institutions and 7000 students. The cause closest to his heart is the education of the rural masses and education of the girl child. Shri. Patil - has a knack for selecting the best talent and getting them to the SVDS Sangh Sankeshwar, he has left no stone unturned in scouting for lecturers and professors and he has started yet again for this new venture comes from a family of the pioneers of the cooperative movement in Karnataka. He has a track that is envy of many - a humanitarian of the highest order, a perfect educationist, and a manager's manager. He was elected for the state assembly three times and has been a minister for medical education and a minister of mining and environment.